Health Care

5 minutes with… Mukti! | Nourished Life AU

What inspired you to start your own natural skincare brand?

An affinity for nature has always been a core part of Mukti’s DNA. “I was raised in the country. I’ve got that connection with nature, and I’ve had that since I was a child. My happiest moments were spent in the garden. For me, I’ve always felt happiness in nature.”

“I grew up with a health-conscious mother who was always concerned about her visual appearance, so I was conscious about health as well. I went to boarding school and one of my friends was from Byron Bay, and she introduced me to a brand called Rachel Perry- it was aloe vera based, and I loved it. She introduced me to smashed avocado, too- it was a long time ago! I remember thinking ‘This is lovely. There’s something really nutritious about this food.’ It made me feel great. I think that all tied in to me having an interest in alternative and natural products as opposed to anything else.”

It was that interest in organic produce that Mukti eventually harnessed into what has become a 24-year passion for organic living and alternative, natural therapies. “I was always interested in plant medicine, I started studying at a young age and ended up studying naturopathy first, then acupuncture. When I was in college I started doing the remedial therapies section of study first, and then I started working with people in a massage sense doing a lot of remedial therapies and working one-on-one with people. That’s how my passion for natural therapies began.”

What did your life look like prior to Mukti Organics?

“My husband and I had a couple of hairdressings salons. He would do the hairdressing and I was looking at an add-on service in beauty therapy. I worked with a great clinician in Brisbane who taught me a lot about natural medicine. I could see the healing benefits of herbal medicine, natural medicine, and alternative medicine. We moved to the country when I was pregnant, and we moved into a permaculture community. I set up a co-op there where everyone could bring their produce so we could use that as a community base for people to swap their food out. After my daughter was born, I was
given an opportunity to work in a guest lodge in Maleny, the township.”

Mukti’s time working in the guest lodge served as the catalyst for what is now Mukti Organics. “They [the lodge owners] marketed to a lot of teachers and nurses who were quite stressed out, so they would come up on Monday and Tuesday and have a pamper package. The other woman who I worked with would do the massage and I would do the facial component. I would often get asked ‘What products are you using?’ At that stage I was using a combination of different products- a bit of Jurlique, and another brand out of the States called Paul Penders which were very herbal based. I had an epiphany. I
thought ‘I’m offering a service. Why don’t I offer a product as well?'”

What’s been the biggest lesson you’ve learnt in business, and in life?

“Prioritise family, especially if you have young children. You will never be able to reclaim
those precious moments.”

What does a typical day look like for you?

“I’m very regimented and I have a routine. I get up at 4am and my day starts with meditation and writing in a gratitude journal. I then sit at my desk by 5 and have a bulletproof coffee, I intermittently fast and I only eat certified organic food. I drink water, I exercise, and I don’t sit for long periods of time- we’re designed to move. I make sure I get a nature connection and sun in my eyes. I want to live a long healthy life, so it’s about balance. In order to juggle those things, you’ve got to have adequate sleep and support your own health and wellness. Now, I’m probably the healthiest I’ve ever been. I think from there you become a more vibrant, exuberant human being, and you can help more people. I believe that’s what we’re all here to do- we’re here to help others.”

What’s your top beauty or wellness hack?

Mukti prioritises wellbeing over everything, “A major cause of inflammation in the body is cortisol, this being our primary stress hormone. The skin is not immune to the hormones released by the brain, including the secretion of cortisol. This can directly lead to skin inflammation, creating and/or worsening inflammatory disorders like rosacea, eczema, dermatitis, and barrier disruption. Those experiencing these conditions can benefit greatly by prioritising their mental wellbeing and engaging in relaxation and mindfulness exercises not only to improve their quality of life but also the health of their skin.”

Where to next for Mukti Organics?

“This year, we are going to be focussing on the neck down. The body care category is something we are looking to move into a little bit more. I think once you pass a certain age, you start dealing with things like crepey skin, discolouration. By the time we get to looking after that, it can be too late. I’m always interested in improving when new ingredients or new technology becomes available.” Continuously improving products is pivotal for Mukti as beauty consumers become increasingly demanding. Moving forward, Mukti Organics plans to expand into the US & UK markets.

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