Oral Health

What are the different types of teeth? – Summit Dental Health

What are the different types of teeth? – Summit Dental Health

We’ve taken the time to learn about the different parts of a tooth . . . but what are the different types? There are four types of teeth that each serve a specific purpose when it comes to helping us eat our food: 

  • Incisors: These are the most visible teeth that you’ll see on both the upper and lower jaw. The incisors include your two front teeth as well as the teeth on either side of them. Their purpose is to help us cut into our food when we bite. 
  • Canines: You can probably guess where they get their name from . . . a dog’s fangs! These teeth are pointier than the rest and typically sit next to your incisors on both the upper and lower jaw. Their purpose is to help tear into foods. 
  • Premolars: These are the teeth you’ll find sitting between your canines and your back molars. These specific teeth share the features of both your canines and your back molars, making it easier for you to tear, crush, and grind your food into smaller pieces. 
  • Molars: These are the teeth you’ll find in the very back of your mouth. They include your wisdom teeth —  although many people have those removed or may even be born without them! These teeth are good for crushing and grinding up food, which is why most of our chewing is done with them. 

The different types of teeth help us to eat, but it’s important to remember that food can become trapped in between them and eventually lead to cavities. Brushing twice a day and flossing at least once a day is essential for keeping your smile healthy!  

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