Oral Health

Oral Health’s Top 10 News Stories of 2023

Oral Health Top 10 News Stories 2023

Yet another year has gone by, which means it’s time to look back on which news items had you clicking and reading! But before we get to the news countdown, let’s reflect on this year for Oral Health…

We began the year with an exciting redesign of our website www.oralhealthgroup.com. Hopefully everyone has had a chance to explore the site and find the most valuable content for them whether that is articles, videos or podcasts. Speaking of podcasts, we launched the Brush Up podcast! Dr. Luisa Schuldt, one of Oral Health’s editorial board members, has been an excellent host. Be sure to catch up on the episodes on our website or Spotify before a new season launches next year. Staying on the digital tract, we are proud to have hosted our second annual Women in Oral Health Care webinar, featuring some amazing female leaders in dentistry.

Oral Health Group is also proud to have published 13 issues of Oral Health (including a special Life-long Learning issue focused on education) and 4 issues of Oral Hygiene. We continued our Data Driven Dentistry series, focusing on themes of continuing education, the use of dental labs, transition planning and staffing.

Looking forward to 2024, Oral Health is excited to launch a brand-new newsletter called NEXT GEN for all of the new dentists and students out there! NEXT GEN will provide educational and engaging content to aid you in navigating the start of your career to ensure you find success. Another exciting project to look out for next year is our upcoming online continuing education platform, OralHealthCE. Courses will be available from leading practitioners across North America. Be sure to register for updates.

Now, let’s take a closer look at which news stories our readers found the most interesting this year!

Researchers from London found that a popular drug for treating type 2 diabetes could be a new method for controlling inflammation in the mouth. With an increasing focus on the oral-systemic link, these studies are important to see how physicians and dentists can work together to improve oral and overall health for patients.

One of the hot topics of the year was AI, specifically with the launch of ChatGPT. It is no surprise people were wanting to learn more about how this technology would affect dentistry!

Exciting news for dental assistants looking to immigrate to Canada! The occupation now qualifies for the Federal Skilled Worker program and workers can immigrate to Canada through Express Entry.

More research is being done by NYU to help patients with gum disease. The method: measuring the level of cytokines in the saliva.

An update on the shocking story that originated in 2020 when a video was posted to social media of a dentist allowing a prison guard to perform on a prison inmate.

Dentistry meets Breaking Bad. While the allegations had no connection to the dental office itself, a dentist was charged with drug trafficking and operating a criminal organization with his twin brother. We can’t blame our readers for being intrigued by this story.

Great news for dental hygienists who hope to self-initiate the controlled act of scaling and root planing. They no longer need to apply for authorization with CDHO. This opens up many opportunities for RDHs!

It was interesting to see that the average annual fee guide has increased 5-10 percent across the country. We don’t blame you for wanting to find out more about this as you decide what to charge at your practice.

After years of COVID stories topping the charts…perhaps this will be the last story to appear on one of our lists as the COVID-19 guidelines are officially no longer in effect across the Canadian dental colleges. But remember your infection prevention and control protocols!

Another dental crime case tops the list. Unfortunately, there were many victims of this dental device that caused ruin to their teeth. The investigation reveals that it had not been evaluated or approved by the FDA.

That’s a wrap on 2023! Happy Holidays and we look forward to seeing you in 2024.

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